Saturday, December 30, 2017

Grateful beginning for a Happy 2018!

I can't believe it's been almost 6 years since I've last posted on my blog (talk about writers block...).

Time to catch up to wish you a belated Merry Christmas and share my New Years Resolution for a Happy 2018!

Since Shawn Achor's 2011 TEDx Talk on Positive Psicology I heard that journaling daily facts we are grateful for, increased individual Happiness and thus, society's wellbeing.

His studies conclude that 2 minutes a day of blogging gratefulness of The day is studied to help you start feeling HAPPYER in as little as 28+ days.... I know it's hard to setup a blog and start...But it can be done on a private paper/email diary, too.

So I thought why not start a new years resolution of 365 days of grateful journaling/blogging?

To practice I decided to write 3 grateful facts of the last 6 years in my life:

- Honest, true friendships that propelled me to build my own business and explore the world of infinite possibilities of being and promoting truth, happiness and sustainable innovation.

- Graduated in Stanford and attended Singularity University Global Sumit 2017 in California's Silicon Valley: learning the mindset of where building a future of hope is everyone's business.

-  Met a woman that loves me even more than I deserve, bringing my lifelong dream of building a beautiful, blessed and happy family,  closer.

To conclude this 1st gratefulness post I ask you, 

1) What are you grateful for in the last year/half-decade? And 

2) What is your new year resolution in 2018?

Be Happy: you and the world need and deserve it! 


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