Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Disarming the Population Bomb or Boserup's solution to Malthus Traps

Population Growth is a Curse or a Blessing? 

“I believe that life supports what supports more of life.” Tony Robbins

Malthus vs Boserup

Thomas Malthus theory (curse) was updated by Ester Boserup's theory (blessing) in 1900's on how human ingenuity spurs Innovation that CAN overcome his 3 perceived Neo-Malthusian threats: 
War, Famine, and Plague.

How Bosenrup's theory has been overcoming War, Famine & Plague, proving our hope of Population Growth being a blessing the half century?

Through the efficient use of resources with innovations & exponential technologies, such as the green rev(ev)olution that allowed us to feed more than 6,500,000 people, but with some serious issues still: 2.1 billion obese (could feed 2x with the same food), 30% food produce loss (could feed +2 billion with this), and other wasteful usage that can make one think there is insufficient food production, but that is not the reason why we have more than 1 billion starving.

So, ignorance, poverty and violence, not the lack of resources that cause death and hunger, and we can adopt / make programs to change it, right? And we need it more than ever, NOW as:



Charities feeding programs like Catholic's With them and our parish volunteers in Boca Raton, Florida  I did 40 thousand meals with for Haiti children this year in 1 day, and it was incredible experience of what a small group of 100+ people can prepare 40.000 meals in 1 day.

And try go plant base diet 1-3 days a week. We used a plant based meal box program to start as we didn't know what to eat, and it tastes nice, healthy and is time&budget saving. There are any other options you can find online and try.



ShareTheMeal here:
and help children in need with a tap on your smartphone. 

Last August 2018 I used this #ShareTheMeal APP with USD 10 to feed a child in school in Lebanon for 1 month. Its 1 meal for me, 1 month for a child, 70 years grateful for his life.

Will you join me ?

"Our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all.
Every act or decision made that supports life, supports all life, including our own."
David R. Hawkins