Tuesday, December 8, 2009

COP15 - The world's gathering to tackle Climate Change

Here I am in Copenhagen @ the UN Climate Conference as a correspondent covering for the Editorial Group www.cittanuova.it , which includes the Italian magazine Citta Nuova, and also 36 international editions in 22 languages for countries like Germany, Brasil, USA and Japan.

This is the first time I write on my blog after an intense year in the Masters degree, and I do it to help raise awareness of the Climate Crisis & Solutions.


Our Climate is Changing!
The first 5 articles already published for the Brazilian and Italian online edition can be seen on the link:

1) Conference Primer article (portuguese-br):
O mundo em Copenhague


2) First day impressions - Considerable youth participation + challanges of the conference:

(br) Cidadãos comuns, especialmente os jovens, podem fazer diferença na conferência sobre mudança climática

(it) Avanti, con qualche dubbio

3) Conclusions of the first week - Challenges ahead for world leaders:

(br) Clima: Líderes mundiais alcançarão acordo?

(it) Dalla divergenza alla convergenza:

4) Second week negociations - THE HEAT IS ON:

(br) Que as meninas do Pacífico não percam suas ilhas

(it) Leader di tutto il mondo, unitevi

5) Final negotiations - THE HEAT IS ON THE LEADERS:

(br) Senadores dos EUA querem evitar repetição de Kyoto

(it) Copenhagen, ultima fermata

A video I did on the last night of Obama in between the negociations ended up in the of the NY Times: http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/12/18/a-climate-deal/

We will follow the analysis, conclusions and next steps of this historic event!

Stay tuned :-)